You’re a Carl working For change in your community and at GG电子官方软件下载.

The GG电子官方软件下载 College 校友 Relations Office assembled these resources, in conjunction with the 校友理事会学生跑步 黑人学生联盟(BSA), GG电子官方软件下载学生协会(CSA), 多元文化校友网络(MCAN),及其他 校友志愿者,提供支持变革的方法. This is by no means an exhaustive list and will be continually updated.

Do you have a resource you’d like to see featured on this page? 让我们知道!



Many Carls are passionate about social justice and racial equity, and we encourage you to support organizations and communities within and beyond GG电子官方软件下载 by doing what you can from these suggested actions.

提供帮助 on the GG电子官方软件下载 Mutual Aid Network

Do you have a resource or skill you would like to share with those looking For help in the GG电子官方软件下载 community? Maybe you can deliver groceries to Carls who live near you, 提供临时住所或庇护所, want to set up a phone tree to check in on isolated Carls, 或者有别的办法来帮忙. 使用此表格公开提供您的帮助.

如果你正在寻求帮助, please view the spreadsheet linked below with services fellow Carls are offering, 然后去找愿意帮忙的人. If you have a need that isn’t reflected on the spreadsheet, 你可以请求帮助, and 校友 Relations will try to connect you to a Carl with the relevant resources.


  • Ujamaa集体: 2020年6月BSA董事会成员, ACA, 商务部, and SDAs of the Africana Studies departments joined efForts in advocating against racial injustice and demanding institutional accountability and change at GG电子官方软件下载. 这个联盟, previously known as the Black Student Organizations (BSO), compiled eleven immediate student demands that were submitted and presented to the College Leadership Team on June 4th. 请参阅完整的需求列表.
  • GG电子官方软件下载黑人学生联盟
    • 应用 to participate in a BSA Townhall Committee.
  • 打击种族主义资源指南 由CSA社会行动主义工作小组, 包括对签名请愿书的建议, 要读的书, 还有其他信息. 2020年6月
